2014 KMSO Organizers

2014 – 2015  KSEA NY-Metro Organization

President K. Stephen Suh
Vice Presidents Sae Woong Park, Ju-hyun Lee
Executive Director Hyun Mo Kim
Finance Director Chang-Yong Nam
Webmaster Jeonghan Lee, YongSik Jang
Auditor Seongwon Kim, Chang-Yong Nam
Fundraising & Scholarship Jun Ho Shin, Bongjun Ko
Local Seminar Joonki Kim, Kangwook Lee
Automatic President, Vice Presidents, Executive Director, Finance Director
Past Presidents Sung Hyuk Cha, Seogjoo Jang, Jun Ho Shin, Bongjun Ko, Jeong Seop Shim
2014-2016 MyungJong Lee, Sunghoon Choi, Sung Soo Kim, Min Suk Kang
2013-2015 Kangwook Lee, Sung Eun Choi, Eon Soo Lee, Chin Ok Lee
2012-2014 Jeonghan Lee, Sung Kwon Kang, Kun Sup Hyun
Student/APS Councilors Jason Ki / City College of New York
Sunwoo Lee / Columbia University
Sukju Ham / Queensborough Community Colleg
Youngchan Lee / Queens College
Jihwan Han / New Jersey Institute of Technology
Seungyeul Yoo/ New York Korean Biologists
Hyun-woo Jeong / New York University
Yoomin Lee / Stevens Institute of Technology
Gongjun Choi / Stony Brook University