2020 KMSO

제 27회 수학 및 과학 경시대회

The 27th KSEA New York Metro Chapter  Math/Science Olympiad
KMSO 2020

KMSO 2020 program : Due To COVID19, KMSO 2020 be held  online


Science Entry Level: 2/3 학년  – Science with Parents
Science General: 4 / 5 학년 – General Science
Science Physics: 6 / 7 학년 – Physical Science
Science Chemistry: 8 /9 학년 – Chemical Science
Science Written Exam: 10/11학년 (필기 시험 -Written: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics)
Science Poster Presentation: 10/11/12학년 (Research Poster Presentation)
Coding with Pythen: 6 ~ 12학년 Pythen with Karel
KMSO Volunteer  and  Staff  
Lang Yoo, Yungtai Yoo,  Jisun Park,
Hammah Oh,  Kwanhsu Park,  William Lee,
Hyerin yin,  Jungeun Baik,  Byungchan Kim,
Young Jae Woo,  Seungyeul Yoo, and  all KMSO staff
″Thanks for everyone~ !   See you again on 2021 KMSO″~