Science Coding

[과학경시] 오전 10시 – 오후 12시    >>지도<<

  • Science Coding: 6-12학년 (실기 시험) – “Coding with CoDrone”, Marillac Hall, Prerequisite: Python programing skill. *You have to bring your own computer.

    시험과목에 대한 이해도가 없다면 (시험전 사전 확인), 일반 과학시험으로 대체 합니다. ( 개별 통지 )
  • 시험과목: Morse CODronE
  • Problem: Each team can create a program that shows Morse Code using CoDrone motions
  • Requirements Input: 5 ~ 8 letters
    Output: shows Morse code using CoDrone motions, i.e., dot – short pushup, dash – long pushup (3X of dot), and hop for each letter
    Programming Language: Python 3.6 +
    IDE: Any including JuPyter, PyCharm, IDLE and Python script
  • Schedule 10:00 ~ 0:15: Team assignment, Introduction and Problem announcement
    10:15 ~ 10:25: PC and other requirement scheck
    10:25 ~ 11:45: Programming Competition
    11:45 ~ 12:00: Evaluation (demo)
  • Pre-requisite 6 ~ 12 grade
    Basic (or intermediate ) level Python skill
    Intermediate (or advanced) level of other programming language skill (C, C++, C#, Java, Perl, etc.)
    Install required programs and library: Python, CoDrone library, and Bluetooth driver

[Science Olympiad] 10 am – 12 pm     >>map<<

  • Science Coding: 6-12 grade (Practical Exam) – “Coding with CoDrone”, Marillac Hall, Prerequisite: Python programing skill. *You have to bring your own computer.

    If a student is not quailfied for Coding Test, the student test at General Science Competition ( our Staff will be touch before 2019 KMSO )
  • Title: Morse CODronE
  • Problem: Each team can create a program that shows Morse Code using CoDrone motions
  • Requirements Input: 5 ~ 8 letters
    Output: shows Morse code using CoDrone motions, i.e., dot – short pushup, dash – long pushup (3X of dot), and hop for each letter
    Programming Language: Python 3.6 +
    IDE: Any including JuPyter, PyCharm, IDLE and Python script
  • Schedule 10:00 ~ 0:15: Team assignment, Introduction and Problem announcement
    10:15 ~ 10:25: PC and other requirement scheck
    10:25 ~ 11:45: Programming Competition
    11:45 ~ 12:00: Evaluation (demo)
  • Pre-requisite 6 ~ 12 grade
    Basic (or intermediate ) level Python skill
    Intermediate (or advanced) level of other programming language skill (C, C++, C#, Java, Perl, etc.)
    Install required programs and library: Python, CoDrone library, and Bluetooth driver